Managing Patient Temperature During CRRT

Tena Griffin, DNP, CRNP discusses managing patient blood return temperature including current study data and Baxter's recommendations

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Therapy Education

PRISMAFLEX - CVVHDF: Citrate External Calcium

Cynthia Chasteen MSN, MSNA, RN discusses a method for citrate anticoagulation for CVVHDF that can be used with the PRISMAFLEX System when an external syringe/infusion pump is used to deliver calcium supplementation to the patient.

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Therapy Education

TMP and Filter Pressure Drop

Kathy Worthington, MSN, RN discusses factors affecting circuit life, CRRT hemodynamics and troubleshooting tips.

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Therapy Education

Preventing Hypophosphatemia and Improving Patient Outcomes in CRRT

Dr. Melissa Thompson-Bastin discusses managing phosphate levels and preventing hypophosphatemia in CRRT, as well as how and when to implement Baxter's renal replacement solutions.

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